Friday, May 15, 2009

More introductory thoughts

So, Mom and I were kind of thinking that we could have all sorts of fun stuff on here. Not just random life updates (although those are cool) because we all keep in pretty good touch anyway.

No, we want to take it to the next level. The creative level. So we're hoping to have some family book club books and do responses to those, and some prompts that everyone can respond to, and maybe some longer pieces contributed by . . . interested parties . . . as you can see, our plans are so grand they become abstract.

Anyway, let's start off by having everyone say one thing that they think would be cool to have on this blog. This will serve to help us get a "blog vision" and also make sure that everyone knows how to sign on and leave comments.


  1. Well, I like the book club idea. That sounds like a lot of fun. I also think we could post family history stories on here. That would be a good use of blog space.

  2. I think that if anything I should write on my OWN blog when I remember -_-... but as far as cool things go, I think putting up family activities would be neato, such as "what you can do when you have 5 minutes and 2 siblings" and "lets all 9 million go for a grand adventure in the park." As opposed to 'go watch tv' and 'don't you have homework?'

  3. I think we should just start putting things on the blog and then sort it out. Who knows we may end up with more than one blog, but we will have got going.

  4. we could also do game stratagies
